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Accommodations for adults in the workplace

Up to 20% of your workforce is likely to have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). As an employer, you are required to make reasonable adjustments for employees with an SLD like dyslexia, but there’s more to it than that.

By encouraging an inclusive work environment, you can nurture a place people look forward to working in. The day-to-day tasks of office life can often be challenging but knowing exactly what type of support is available can be a life-changer!

Data secure reading support

Your recommended Secure Reader 2 features no internal storage, meaning it provides reading support while complying with Australia’s Privacy Act. This allows employees access to data-sensitive information, like contracts or financial reports, without risk.

Along with its text-to-speech reading technology, it has various built-in dictionaries that encourage vocabulary growth giving your employees more reading independence.

Employment Assistance Fund for Workplace Dyslexia Support

Neurodivergence can present challenges with working memory or reduced cognitive processing speed, making it harder to find or stay in work. Luckily, there is government-funded support available for employees and employers in the form of Employment Assistance Fund.

Find out more here

Workplace resources

Once you have your pen, it’s time for the next part of your journey with Scanning Pens. At your disposal is a wide range of resources to help you with your new handheld device. This is your HQ for everything assistive technology. So, if you want in-depth guides on how to best implement your reading pen into the workplace, you have everything you need in our Workplace Resources section.